an attempt to
a better future

70/30 protein is not just like any other alternative meat.


Processing added chemicals and deep frying are often used in producing plant-based meat,  reducing the nutritional quality of these items. We wondered if there could be a whole-food protein that is truly natural, animal-free, sustainable, and nutritious. Our near-perfect answer is mycelium-based protein and biomass fermentation tech. 

What is Mycelium and biomass fermentation?

Mycelium is essentially the fibrous root structure of mushrooms. The technology behind biomass fermentation isn’t new. Biomass fermentation has been around for decades and has been applied to many non-food industries. And fermentation has actually been used for thousands of years as an effective way to preserve food and increase nutrients in fermented foods.

First to launch Mycelium-Based Alternative for Asian market


What is so special about it?

It’s an unbelievably efficient way to provide protein for the hungry world, both environmentally and economically, at a “highway” speed.

High Protein

It is a complete protein with high protein content comparable to chicken breast!

No deep Processing

It is a naturally grown whole food that requires little to no processing and has a meat-like texture.

0 Cholesterol & chemicals

Zero cholesteroL antibiotics hormones and chemicals.

Super Sustainable

It needs a fraction of the land and water required compared to animal agriculture and soy-based protein. There are also zero harmful by-products created in its production. 

Low Cost

Its production cost can be way lower than that of traditional animal protein as well as other new alternative proteins.

High Productivity

It grows protein at impressive “highway” speed! Did we mention that it’s a matter of hours but not months or years?